Sunday, January 16, 2011

I knew we were related when she kicked me in the head

It's that time of year. Time for colds, runny noses, coughs and the dreaded stomach flu. Since having children, well since Otto was almost 2, we have had a bad case of the throw-ups every winter. This year I am very thankful that it didn't cause me to go into labor early (or that i am not pregnant for that matter) and that we didn't wake up in the middle of the night before Christmas to sick children and mommy.

Last night around 10, just as we were thinking of heading up to bed, over the monitor i heard the dreaded strange cough and whimper combo that means a child has thrown up. I went up to check on Mette and the smell as i entered the room confirmed my fears. I carefully removed Mette from her bed and carried her to the bathroom and drew a bath. Eric came up and started stripping sheets and starting what we knew would be a night of laundry.

Mette was beyond sweet and charming. She cheerfully told me how good the bath felt and how much she loved me. After a goos scrub and some potty trips we had her back in clean jammies and ready for bed again. Always trying to learn from the past we thought it would be smart to prepare for otto to get sick soon since when one goes, usually the other is just behind. It was decided that Mette and i would sleep in our bed covered in towels and eric would pull out the sleeper sofa in the library and get that ready with towels and wait for Otto. Mette was wide awake at this point so we brought up a laptop and she and i had a little movie hour in our bed. I finally convinced her to go to sleep 30 minutes later. It was then, laying in my bed about to fall off the side because mette insists on sleeping sideways and kicking you in the head that i started to reflect on the situation. While no one likes being sick, stomach flus are in the grand scheme of things not that bad. Especially since at this point eric and i have not gotten sick (though i am sure it is coming), not being sick while taking care of kids makes it so much easier. It is also nice to know that Mette prefers sleeping in beds the proper way, sideways taking up as much room as possible.

Sure enough, two hours later Otto was sick. Luckily we were prepared. I don't really think any of us got any sleep last night but we are making up for that by spending today in bed watching movies and snuggling.

The biggest bummer about all of this, we had a babysitter lined up for tonight and were planning on a super fun feast with good friends. We will reschedule, but i was really looking forward to it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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