Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow Day

As I mentioned in my last post, I have been seriously cleaning and organizing this week. On Wednesday while a beautiful coating of snow fell outside I tackled the kitchen.

The espresso machine found a new home around the corner making way for a new vegetable area.

I even painted the inside of the pantry. That by the way represents the bare minimum of cereal selection around here. It gets pretty dicey when the selection gets low.

I moved the rest of my cook books to the library making room for jars of dry goods and bowl displays.

Aaahh, this makes me feel so good.

The espresso machine in it's new home.

In addition to the kitchen i have tackled the third floor playroom. We had electric baseboard heat installed up there on Monday and it has made a huge difference in how much we use the room already. Pictures to follow soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Rachel said...

The kitchen re-do looks fantastic!