Friday, February 4, 2011

Mette's Ice Festival

In special celebration for Mette's birthday weekend, the burg is holding an Ice Festival. Market Street is lined with small ice sculptures and the park downtown has three large sculptures. There will be the requisite pancake breakfast tomorrow followed by children's games and a polar bear plunge in the river tomorrow afternoon. We may or may not participate in all of tomorrow's activities, but we did go downtown today and check out all the ice sculptures. Otto touched each and every one of them, they are all cold. Just in case you were wondering. I didn't think to bring the camera, but managed, thanks to some great light, to get a few good shots of the kids with my phone.

Otto was really excited to watch them carving the big ice castle.

Cold hineys on the ice throne made for a quick but cute photo opp.
Tomorrow we are off to get provisions for the "rainbow cake" Mette is requesting. She is pretty darn excited about the big day coming up!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Henry ascertained that they are all also hard.