Monday, February 21, 2011

Out we go

Into the land of the white stuff. With any luck there may not be too many (if any!) more big snow falls this season so it seemed wrong not to take the thirty minutes to bundle the kids up in snow pants, boots, jackets, mittens and hats and get out there and eat some snow. Or play in it, whatever suits your fancy. Otto is getting pretty good at getting his gear on himself which is super awesome. He can put on his snow pants and his boots and he can do the cool lay your coat on the ground, stick in your arms and flip it over your head trick. As long as I am there to keep him on task and help him do it in the right order (snow pants BEFORE snow boots, etc...) he can get ready himself. I do the mittens as that is really hard to do yourself. Mette needs me to do all of it but providing I can catch her and aren't foolish enough to let go of her before she is geared up, she is pretty easy too. Then I just have to throw some boots and a jacket on and we are off. Do you have to pee yet? At this point one of us usually does.

Mette is old enough and big enough to get out in the snow and play this year, however with all of the snow gear it still seems a bit like she can't really walk. A light breeze would blow her over. As a result she does not LOVE it like Otto does. But I can't really blame her. Otto can now plow through anything all geared up.

Also, I know I am a bit biased, but seriously, is he not the handsomest kid ever?? WOW. He is going to break some hearts this boy. This mama better raise him right because I have the feeling he could and will do some serious damage.
Like I said, not entirely pleased with the whole operation.
Still very cute though.
Today was the first day we were outside in our own yard long enough to entertain the idea of a snowman. Usually we are out exploring. The snow was good snowman snow, but not awesome. I had hopes of a HUGE figure towering over the yard, but that was not in the cards today. I can't wait until the kids start reading Calvin and Hobbes so we can have some really good snowman inspiration. Until then, this will have to do.

I was putting the scarf and hat on with Otto and turned around to find Mette without a jacket or mittens. I guess they were getting in her way so she took them off. She was cold a minute later so she headed inside for a snack. Super attentive parent that I am, I gave her a snack and headed back out with the camera to Otto and the snowman.

Since she has a pink scarf she is obviously and girl snowman. Since she is a girl she is one of two people (in the world of Otto) Princess Leia or Ashoko Tano. I suppose this snowwoman had a royal presence as she is was named Princess Leia right way. Otto did a lot of posing with her and telling me stories about their time together.

Here he is holding her hand.
And this is just to remind you, me, anyone who is reading that spring will be back and Friday was not just a dream. It is and will be a reality.
Tomorrow I will be back with stories of why Mette is now going to sleep in jammies that are zippered in every direction and why we might consider putting them on backwards!

Off to watch Top Gear with my boy.

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