Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Life in the Burg

Sentences and full paragraphs seem to evade me now, how about some random thoughts?

Some things that are making me happy: (in no particular order)

The dish drain next to one of the kitchen sinks is filled with little crocs and sandals of varying sizes all lined up drying after scrubbing days worth of mud off them earlier this evening.  The look so colorful and cheery.

Rache is home!!!  And she brought her two adorable children with her.  Her husband came as well, but I haven't seen him yet.  The youngest of her two is fantastically chubby and I want to eat her up.

A few nights ago I made myself the most fantastic pair of jammy pants ever.  It was a spur of the moment project after the kids went to bed and I LOVE them.  Must make more soon.

I finished a new dress for Mette which she wore today.  At the local coffee shop the server told her how much she liked her dress and Mette responded "my mommy sewed it and I was SO happy".  Pretty much sealed the deal that I will make her a million more.  This one is just ever so slightly short which on her is so cute.  Only at 2 can you get away with that, though the undergrads sure do try.

I bought a box of fudgesicles at the store a few weeks ago and every once and a while I treat myself to one.  They are so good.

Tonight is the last night that I have to be on bat (the animal) duty all night long.  Eric has been out of town for a few days and the first night he was gone there was a bat downstairs when the kids went down for breakfast.  Thankfully the cats had is stunned and on the ground but it was PISSED and I had to get it outside.  Catching the bats is ALL ERIC.   He has a butterfly net and his years of playing badminton have served him well.  He can catch them with amazing grace and ease.   There is nothing graceful or easy about how I deal with bats.  I normally have to "check on the kids" aka, hide in their room with them to keep them safe.  He will be home tomorrow and I am going to sleep so much better.

I painted our back deck, we got new chairs, planted more flowers, got hanging baskets and made a tablecloth and now our deck which has always been lovely seems like a magical garden.  On saturday after the kids went to bed eric and I sat outside and had a few drinks and got to enjoy the glow from our little solar lanterns I always admire from the window.  It was so lovely.  I only got two muzzy bites and only one swelled up so much I had what looked like two knees until yesterday so I count that has a huge success.

Life is good.


Jocelyn Christensen said...

Life IS good and those are some great things to be happy for! :)

Anonymous said...

Positively blissful.