Friday, August 5, 2011


I know I said I would back to blogging and then was silent for a few days.

Sorry about that.

See, my dear sweet husband wanted to make my day and put the great internet to work for him and scored me season 4 of my show, Doc Martin.  While I intended to keep it as a treat for myself when he is in L.A. later this month I couldn't stop myself.  I bawled my way through the whole thing and only now that I have seen the whole thing can I relax.  He took pity on me, sweet guy.  I was all set to have vascular surgery on Wednesday and at the last minute they are postponing it so the doctor can fill our more paper work prior.  UGH!!!  Needless to say I was a bit frustrated and shaken.

In addition to having my favorite pass time to make me happy, I also have great news from Otto.  He passed Level 1 swimming today!!!!!!  I can't tell you how excited I am about this.  He has been so hesitant around water and so scared.  Washing his hair up until a year ago resulted in blood curdling screaming EVERY TIME and forget getting his face wet at the pool.  He is now a fish.  He goes under that water and swims like it is nothing.  He is working on strokes.  As of now he can kick and do some freestyle type thing with his arms.  He needs form work and practice, but that is just details.  The important thing is he is doing it AND  LOVING it!!!!!

I am so excited for him.  One, the thrill of swimming is so liberating and two, conquering a fear is such an amazing boost of confidence. I was on the swim team for years growing up and I loved it.  I consider myself an athletic person, but no sport ever came as easy to me as swimming.  Watching him frolic and enjoy the water makes me so happy.  We have some wonderful video which I will make eric cut together so we can share, but for now I had so share the good news!!!

Behold, my fish, in all his under water glory!!!

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