Friday, November 2, 2007

8 Months

Greeting from Mom

So Otto was officially 8 months old this past Sunday. Take a second and look back at your last eight months. I would venture to guess that few of us have done as much as he has. (I know, I know, certain grandparents built a house, but this is REALLY big.) He has...
mastered holding his head up, and turning it at the same time
learned to burb, still working on doing it to the alphabet
gained the gift of both color and distance vision
learned how to grab onto things, then direct them into his head.
learned how to pick things up without directing them into his head
learned to smile and laugh, seriously saved him a few nights
mastered sitting up on his own
got eating with a spoon down
became helpful when getting dressed by putting his own arms in the sleeves
got going on the worm and downward dog as an alternative method of locomotion
mastered the "pincer grasp" and now LOVES cherrios!
figured out how to crawl, and how to catch cats!
this led to crawling away at breakneck speed while being dressed, cross off helpful in that department
starting not just pulling up on furniture, but cruising around on it
practices everyday on driving me crazy one second and melting my heart the next

In between there have been countless other milestones, too many to count. I both can't believe that he has been here for only 8 months and feel like he has always been around with his adorable giggle and mischievous shoelace eating. He really is amazing, even when he only takes a 25 minute morning nap and whines until he finally goes to sleep at 2:15 (like today).

It is just amazing watching him crawl all over the house, which he is really doing now, and take a minute to think how much he has changed since he was born. I love watching each new development, but I also miss just holding him so still while he slept. So tiny cuddled in my arms. He doesn't go for that too much now. Although now he crawls over to you and climbs into you lap which is pretty darn awesome.

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