Thursday, August 14, 2008

Recipe for a fun morning

1 Dirty kitchen floor
1 Mop and bucket
water and soap (non-toxic) to fill above bucket
1 18 month old (I have on you can borrow)

First give up on sweeping since that is far too much fun and clearly better left to the pros (18 month old). Second fill bucket with soap and warm water. NOTE: this will create bubbles which you forgot were so much fun. This is where the non-toxic part comes in, not only are they a lot of fun, they are also quite delicious. Now start mopping while the small one is busy with the bubbles. While you are scrubbing away take a glance in the direction of the bucket to notice that now the small one is belly surfing in bubbles and somehow making the floor muddy!
See, now that I am starting to feel better I am trying to catch up on the household chores I have been lagging in. I don't want to give up my rest time while Otto naps so I thought it would be good to get stuff done in the morning. So far it is going ok. The kitchen floor did look clean by the time we were done and Otto had a BLAST. We did have an orange juice and flour paste experiment while I tried to make salsa verde yesterday. Today we stuck to playing with toys. Maybe tomorrow I will tackle more chores. I did however find a copy of the movie The Love Bug in the attic which Otto now loves. His obsessed with Beetles and racing so it was not hard to see how it would be an instant hit!

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