Thursday, August 21, 2008

Catch Up

Hi there, so mom has been pretty busy these days and she hasn't had time to tell everyone what I have been up to lately. Finally she is getting around to the important task at hand. (it doesn't hurt that I am finally taking a good nap!) Yeah, so she has been moonlighting doing some catering where she worked years ago. She seems to like it quite a bit, but that means it has been me and Dad on our own for a few evenings. We have been having a blast. We go to the park where I chase ducks, and by chasing ducks, I mean crazy mad running all over the place yelling CHASE, CHASE, CHASE. It is fantastic.
Last night Dad explained to me that we live on Market Street so now if someone asks me where I live I tell them, "Markets Street" (adorable!)
My complete and total fascination with trains continues. I have quite the wooden train set going on in the living room and it is really great. I am also, much to my parents dismay, falling in love with the Thomas show on PBS. Mom does a great version of the theme song, you should ask her to sing it for you. I love it!
Today mom and I went downtown to the toy store so I could play with their GIANT train set for a while. It was so much fun. I was able to correctly identify a lot of the train cars, and many of the items in the near by doll house. The bunnies, chair and bed from the doll house were relocated to the draw bridge for a while.
All in all I have been keeping everyone busy here with all of my silly games. It a good life.

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