Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Otto Story

The other night at dinner Otto told me this story very clearly and with great purpose.  It was so complete I wrote it down to share with you.

Cootie bug and penguin are friends.  and they drink milk
drink water and call it agua.  they walk on the sidewalk,
drive a mini cooper and meet daddy.  and they reach a 
snowman and cootie bug are both stories, interesting.

Yes, so that is what conversation with a 22 month old is like.  He had a lot to say and it is quite entertaining.  I can't wait until he can tell stories to his new sibling.  First time he gets a smile will be a moment not to be missed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mini hardtop or clubman? presumably a john cooper works model. i know the boy knows his cars!