Saturday, February 21, 2009

the latest in cuteness

Yia-Yia and Papou came to visit us this week.  Unfortunatly despite our bleaching the kitchen and bathrooms and washing everything in hot water, they managed to get the dreaded stomach flu as well.  That makes up 7 for 7 with getting everyone sick.  Otto, me, Ken, Hope, Eric, Rogers and Dee.  Good times.  They spent two days in isolation getting better with gatorade and ginger ale.  Luckily they were here for a week so they still got in some good Otto and Mette time.  I have more pictures from their visit which I will post later but here are some highlights of the past few days.

Otto has continued to be incredibly good about having a new sister.  He seems quite content.  I am aware that could change at any time, but for now it is quite nice.  Mette is also doing wonderfully.  She has had a bit of confusion with day and night, but for the past few days I have been waking her up to eat during the day and trying to establish some routine feeding times and it seems to be helping.  She is even having some longer stretches of being awake during the day which is fun.  She is also doing some three hour stretches of sleep at night which is most wonderful.  By that I mean she is getting up every  three hours to eat.  Since she is kind of a slow eater it takes close to 45 minutes to feed and change her and get her back to sleep but still I am getting in two hour stretches of sleep which is quite nice.  I still feel human in fact.  I am sure that will change.  She is also sleeping almost all of those stints in the co-sleeper and not on me which is a nice start.  If we can keep that up I will be totally psyched!  Right now she is crashed out asleep on my shoulder...  but it is too snuggly to put her down.

Otto quite excited that Mette has "eyes open"

We went for out first stroller outing to lunch with Yia-Yia and Papou this week.  The new stroller is wonderful.  Mette screamed out to the alley and half a block later was totally asleep.  She slept all through lunch, the walk home and then was still.  Just for reference, Otto was at least 4 months old before he liked the stroller and he never cried then fell asleep, ever.

Otto and I made oatmeal raisin cookies for a fun treat yesterday.  He loves helping.  This time I let him lick the paddle attachment for the mixer.  He was in heaven.  It actually works out quite well because it really keeps him busy, but there isn't very much batter on the paddle and he actually eats very little of it.  Most of it goes on his face.  

One funny OttoMette story.  When Dee and Rogers were leaving we were all saying good-byes.  Dee was holding Mette and saying good bye to Otto.  He waved and said "good bye yia-yia, good bye Mette".  Just like that, ready to ship off Mette.  We all had a good laugh over that one.

1 comment:

kristinmadoch said...

Awww... Mette looks so cute in her little outfit :) Thanks for including a picture of her in it for me.