Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Bambinos

I would just like to note that I think Mette is very hard to photograph. It seems no matter how many pictures I take of her, they never really look like her to me. But here are some that I have taken over the last few days and you can see what you think. I am going to get eric to take some and see how that goes. He usually takes better pictures than me anyway.

Here is Mette working really hard on getting her thumb. She still hasn't figured it out yet but she seems to get some comfort from shoving her whole hand in her mouth. Hey, whatever works as far as I'm concerned!

We should all be so lucky as to have a Rachel. In addition to the adorable onesie she embroidered, she also made Mette this wonderful dress and is planning on making some more for her! I will get better pictures of the dress next time she wears it, this was a quick fit check and modeling with Rachel.

My mom got her this adorable bear coat and she is getting more use out of it than I thought she would as we keep getting cold spells. She fell asleep on the way home from the health food store like this and slept for a while, too cute.

Otto while rummaging through Mette's things found one of his old bibs and noticing it had race cars on it insisted on wearing it. Mind you he hated them when we wanted him to wear them and would pull them off instantly. This was the first time he ever "held" Mette. She was in a crabby mood so this is the only shot where she was not screaming. He is so good with her it is amazing. He is very gentle and sweet with his Baby Mette as he like to call her.

A local church has an annual used clothing and toy sale for kids stuff where I have come home with some good loot in the past. This year I got a bunch of summer clothes for Mette, some trucks for Otto and this workbench. The workbench was $10 which I am quite proud of. He loves it. Especially the sink. He is really big on playing in water and any sink with things to wash is a great way to keep him entertained.

We got Otto some rain boots for puddle hunting which came in the mail the other day. He really likes them. You can see them here next to him on the right. He is wearing Rachel's boots which he managed to get on all by himself.
It was quite a task but he stuck with it until they were on.

I saved the best for last. Lately Otto has been a bit obsessed with girls. He points them out on the street, in the store, in books, anywhere he sees them. He has also told me on certain days that he is a girl for the day. Last week at play group there was a girl who was wearing a princess costume. Otto was quite taken both with her and her dress. Two days later at bedtime he pulled blankie around him and declared himself Princess Otto. We have some dress up clothes here from the Playspace and he wanted to wear one a few days ago. It was adorable. He insisted that he be able to wear the "outfit" as he called it downstairs and during lunch. I wasn't going to tell him to take it off, it was too cute. Here he is dressed as Princess Otto which was how he preferred to be addressed. We went out for Chinese food for dinner tonight and all Otto wanted to do was flirt with the waitress who he declared was cute. We may be in for trouble with this one!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Adorable bear coats rock! So do Princess Otto's...