Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Mette at 2 months

I do have a lot of pictures to post, but I have to find the camera and cord so that will be a little bit. I will tell you that there are some fantastic pictures of "princess Otto". It will be worth the wait I promise.

Today Mette had her two month check-up. All went quite well as we thought it would. She is a whopping 11 lbs. 8 oz. and 23.4 inches long. This puts her in the 90th percentile which is crazy. How do we have these huge babies. As I suspected she has a herniated bellybutton which sounds worse than it is. It is quite common and there is nothing they can do about it. It should heal on it's own in a year. It just means she has a squishy "outie". She also has a mongolian spot on her hiney. This is also quite normal and will go away except for the fact that it is not supposed to happen to Caucasian babies. Any secrets people want to share?? She was livid at the nurse for giving her shots which I think is quite reasonable. She was so mad she tensed up her legs (familiar to anyone who has changed her diaper) and that meant that she bled and will most likely have some bruising. Poor thing. I always feel so bad when they get shots.

I don't want to ruin the streak that we have going, but let's just say she is sleeping better than Otto. I will leave it at that.

I will try really hard to find all the parts to upload pictures this evening and share some of the cuteness that is happening here.

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