Friday, August 21, 2009

Oh, Oh here she comes, watch out toys she'll chew you up

You can thank me later for getting that song stuck in your head.

So I have a couple great shots of Mette stalking all that she sees. She is up and rocking and about to lurch forward at any minute. I really hope this dear sweet adorable little gem of a girl moves beyond this physical milestone soon because we could all really use some sleep. Last week she wasn't sleeping because she cut both her bottom teeth. Now she spends her time rocking on all fours instead of sleeping. She is waking up all night long and when you go into get her, there she is, rocking away. If she sleeps with me I can snuggle her enough to get some "longer" stretches, 3 hours? sometimes, but for the most part there is not much sleep happening. She is totally charming and delightful though so it could be much worse.

I am also hoping to post some of the priceless photos of Otto we took over the last couple days but they are taking their merry old time finding my inbox through the sea of intertubular madness. He has been an absolute angel lately. When I ask him something he answers with a song in his voice, "yes Mommy." Last night when I was putting him to bed he told me three times he loved me. He is even saying please, thank you and may I please. Who knows, we might civilize him yet.

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