Sunday, September 27, 2009

For Rachel and Pickle

I stayed up too late trying to finish a knitting project so I am going to post some pictures tonight and will save funny stories about them for tomorrow. I am attempting to get a jump on making holiday presents... we will see how well that works. I am sure no matter what December will be a blur of needles. Anyway, as promised, here are some good mug shots of the boy. I also got some fab. video which I hope to have up soon as well. Picture the Green Monster telling you "you're a little terrified", yeah, it's that good.

The goggles never cease to slay me.
Here is Otto as the Green Monster. We have had this towel for a while now, but he has just taken to wearing it around the house as a costume. He takes on this WWF wrestling voice and says "you're a little terrified" while roaring. It is priceless.

I am still working on more pictures, but this is a good start. Now if I can just get the computer for enough time when I am not doing other projects I will write more, but for now it is bedtime for me.

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