Friday, September 25, 2009


Did anyone notice anything special about today? Anything at all. It may have been a subtle shift in the winds, or perhaps the recent start of fall. Regardless the shift was not lost on Mette. For some reason I thought to offer her breakfast this morning. I don't usually for two reasons. One, I just don't have my act together enough that early to feed two kids, and two, she doesn't eat anything really breakfast like and peas first thing just seems strange. She hates baby cereal of all varieties and only sort of likes fruit. I have been waiting until she is 8 months when she can have yogurt to start with breakfast since that actually is real food and my guess is she will like it just fine. Still, for some reason this morning I defrosted some pears, added some baby oatmeal and offered it to her fully expecting complete rejection. To my complete surprise she inhaled the whole bowl (it was a small amount but still). So I made her some more and she ate that too. Plus a handful of cheerios and water from her cup. She was practically begging for more. I assumed it was a fluke and at lunch gave her ripe fruit to pick up and more cheerios, surely she didn't want MORE food. Then tonight at dinner I made peaches and oatmeal and green beans and brown rice. Again she cleaned her plate and had seconds. There was no batting at the spoon. No trying to put it all in her ear. Just mouth open and "give me more dammit" glares and grunts. She still really likes feeding herself and cleared a whole dish of cooked carrots as well. Just makes me wonder, why today. Why did it suddenly seem like a good idea to eat baby food today. I am still very much looking forward to 8 months when we can give her things like tofu, cheese, yogurt all the good stuff. Though her sudden interest in food is making me think I will make her some veggie meatballs this weekend and perhaps cook up some baby muesli and rice dishes.

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