Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Funny Memories

Unlike some people (eric) I have very few memories of being really small. One thing I do remember though is sitting on the floor in the kitchen of my grandparents house on Glen Hall Rd. I was on the floor in the door way to the back hall by the refrigerator with my mom. She had just bought me new shoes and was trying them on my feet. I think I was only a little older than Otto is now. She was really struggling to get them on my feet and looking back I am sure she was starting to worry that she had bought the wrong size. It didn't hurt but she was really trying to squeeze my foot into them. Actually I thought it was kind of funny. Then my mom took the shoe off the half crammed foot, looked inside and pulled out the wad of tissue paper they put in shoes to help them keep there shape. No wonder they weren't going on! It is just a small little snippet of a memory, but for some reason I kept that afternoon in my mind all these years. I was reminded of it yesterday morning when I spent 15 minutes trying to cram Mette's feet into little slippers only to discover they were stuffed with tissue paper.

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