Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Let me explain

Dear Otto and Mette

You should not worry, your daddy loves you very much. So much that even if you didn't look like the spitting image of him at birth, he still would have stayed to take care of you. So much that despite the fact that you are capable (or were at 7 months in the case of Otto) of making a "mama" sound you insist on only saying dada. I realize it is some evolutionary trick to keep him from fleeing the roost. But really he isn't going anywhere. It wouldn't kill you to look at me and say mama. Instead you spend your days cooing and giggling while you say dada dada dada. When he enters the room you squeal with joy and exclaim "dada!" which is adorable. But when prompted to say mama you just smile and try to eat my nose. You do seem to dearly enjoy my company. Mette when not being held by me constantly scans the room to make sure I am still around. But really, how hard would it be to say mama to me?

mama, mama, mama mmmaaa mmmmaa just once??

1 comment:

Megan said...

I totally get it! His daddy just has to walk in the room and Jack starts laughing hysterically. If she is anything like Otto, I think she will say it soon enough!