Monday, September 7, 2009

Team of Four

Before Mette was born, before she was even a small cluster of cells making me sick, I wondered what it would be like to have two children. Otto is such a great kid, how would two change that dynamic? There is part of you that doesn't want to do anything to take away from his reign. But as strong as that feeling may be, stronger still was the desire to give him a sibling. Someone who hopefully would be a friend for years. Someone to share with, to argue with, to play with. Someone else besides eric and I who would be there for him no matter what. Say what you will about siblings, they have your back when you need them. So, along came Mette. At first Otto didn't seem that interested in her. Which quite honestly seemed a blessing. While he wasn't posing for adorable photos wanting to hold her, he also wasn't poking her eyes out. As she gets older he gains more and more interest in her. The more she engages with him, the more he wants her attention. Now that she is sitting up on her own and on the verge of crawling he is starting to really think she is a person who he likes. He is learning what he can do to make her laugh and thinks it is hilarious when she does. He also seems rather concerned when she is upset. It is quite sweet. Yesterday I was cleaning up in the back room while Mette was napping. Otto was playing in his room. Mette woke up from her nap and started to cry out. I could tell she wasn't too upset and was trying to finish what I was doing before I went in to get her. I saw Otto come out of his room and look down the hall towards her room, then back at me. I asked what he was doing. He told me he was going to give Lighting McQueen to Mette. For those who know how deep his love for Lighting is, you will understand the significance of the gesture. Wanting to see how this would play out I let him go into to see her and listened on the monitor. He walked into her room and I heard him say in his most adorable concerned little boy voice "what's wrong Mette, are you sleepy or tired?" Then he offered her Lighting McQueen. I came in to find him talking to her in her crib and handing her all the toys he could find. She looked so happy to see him and thrilled he was giving her the time of day.

It is times like that when I realize having a brother or sister is such a wonderful thing. They aren't taking away your attention, they are giving you so much more to enjoy. No matter how much I play with the kids or do special things with them, nothing will come close to the fun they are going to have making up their own games together. I am looking forward to all the adventures we are going have. Our team of four.

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