Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's in her genes

I have on several occasions heard how as a child eric liked to pull all the book off the shelf and then give them to the dog who was more than happy to eat them. Mette seems to have the same affliction. I am just glad we don't have a dog who eats them!

Here she is falling down. Notice the tongue. Don't worry, it doesn't phase her at all, she gets right back up and pulls down more books. She is quite good at landing on her bum.


Rachel said...

At least the books keep her away from the cords and outlets.

I'm pretty sure that those pjs have now been worn by four children.

phoebe said...

I did have a successful transition from the light to the bookshelf this morning.

aren't those jammies the best! thanks to my mom for those. let's hope there will be more kids to wear them in the future.

Megan said...

I love the action shot...priceless. I can send over a dog or two if you really feel the need!