Friday, October 16, 2009

Pardon Me

Pardon me, in my sleep deprived existence I managed to forget half of the amazing things our dear little girl can do that I should have included in the last post. I will now attempt to remember some of them but I am not making promises that I will get them all. I am however drinking coffee at this point in time so that might help, a little.

First of all, charm school attendance. It was really my mom who pointed this out to me and she is totally right. Together we decided that they must be offering night classes which explains what she is doing in the wee hours of the night. But really, she is one of the most charming little persons you will ever meet. She has a glow that will captivate and melt anyone in her presence. I realize I may be biased, but spend some time with her and I am sure you will agree.

Then there is the clapping. If you remember, we totally missed the ball with this with Otto. At his nine month appt. when they asked if he did patti cake (which is really just wondering if they can clap) we had no idea as we had never tried and never really clapped around him. Well to be sure not to repeat that we clap a fair amount around Mette. I even play patti cake when I remember. She loves clapping and laughs up a storm when you do so it is a good game regardless. Then just the other day while sitting in her highchair she slowly but surely starting clapping. Her version is slow and deliberate as if trying to get a bunch of people to follow her lead before she picks up the tempo. Should you want her to clap with you, too bad. If you start clapping she laughs to hard to remember to do it herself, but I am sure that will come.

She is also excelling in the teeth department. As of today she has the two bottom teeth in the front, one next to them on the lower left. Yesterday she cut her top right front and it looks as though it's neighbor is about to emerge any day now. And I can tell you I am anxiously awaiting it's arrival since she is not a happy camper right now!!

And speaking of her tooth, she just woke up from a 20 minute nap and sounds none too happy about it so I am off to help.....

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