Saturday, November 7, 2009


Otto has always been very afraid of anything loud. For some kids the sound of the vacuum cleaner is calming, not for Otto. When he was a baby it was almost impossible to ever vacuum because he was so freaked out by the noise. Luckily we have true earphones meant for racetracks for him now. Up until just the other day you could vacuum if he was wearing his headphones but he wouldn't come anywhere near you because he was still scared. He has overcome his fear and now wants to help. I am not sure which is better....
If his skills improve I will like this better, but he has a ways to go before he actually picks up dirt.


Megan said...

See, who needs Lori when you have Otto?!

Rachel said...

Oh, the helping. It's so sweet and it makes things take five times as long...if they ever get done.