Friday, November 13, 2009

Everything old is new again

Last night a friend returned the Moses basket I had leant her (well, actually her daughter) that we used for Otto and Mette both as babies. As a baby I can count on one hand the number of times Otto actually seemed like he wanted to be in the basket and actually slept. Mette was a bit better, but not much. This morning however it was a different story. The basket was returned while he was sleeping and was still sitting in the living room when he came down this morning. It didn't take him long to climb in and demand a pillow and blanket. He also wanted me to sing to him while he "fussed".

Later in the day is was a racetrack for cars, it is oval after all.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I love the big smiles. Your children are such hams for the camera!