Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mette 9 Months

Mette had her 9 month appt. today. News flash, she is healthy, happy and right on schedule. She weighs 19.4 lbs. and is 28" long. Tapering off a bit in percentiles but that is totally normal. When they asked about her eating I responded "well, she is sometimes in the mood". The doctor didn't seem the least worried that most of the time she scorns all things on a spoon. I did say that she likes it a bit better if she can feed herself, but still it can be hit and miss. She was glad to hear that she has had yogurt, cheese, tofu all the categories they look for at this age. Mette wowed them all with her cuteness and darling babbling. Both she and Otto got flu shots which went better than expected. Mette didn't even flinch or cry! Amazing. Otto was a bit weepy, but I think it was more drama than anything. He got over it pretty quickly. The one thing we did discuss is the small bump Mette has had above her left eyebrow since birth. At first they thought it was a small piece of bone that hadn't settled but they are changing their tune now. It looks like it is a cyst and actually both the doctor and I think it is getting bigger, though not very quickly. She doesn't think it is dangerous, but since it is on her face she is sending us to a plastic surgeon who works on babies to see what they recommend. They may say that it will go away over time which would be great. They may also think it is a good idea to get rid of it now before it gets bigger or causes problems. This also being her 9 month milestone, we get to take her to the hospital next week for the iron and lead level blood work. That is always a treat! Ugh.

Other than that, we are having a nice day around the house. Got some cleaning done, have Thai Chicken soup on the stove and am off to fold laundry. Nothing but glamour, glamour, glamour here.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I knew you were going to the doctor's today because they got me confused with you and Jack confused with Mette! Not a bad deal for me, but maybe not so great for Jack!