Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I know, I know, I know

I missed posting yesterday. I wish I had some great reason why but honestly, I chose sleep over the blog. Eric got home last night after being away or super busy for most of last week. Once the kids were tucked in their beds I realized there really wasn't much else I was going to be capable of other than following suit. I will have more to write later but now I am going to attempt to get both children to sleep, at the same time!!

I will say we went and saw two more preschools this morning one of which being the "crunchy granola" (eric's words) I am involved in and it was awesome!! Beyond awesome actually. The other one was in a basement with horrible lighting which kind of made me squirm. Plus one of the bouncy ball things had "I LOVE JESUS" on it in big letters. I know Otto can't read and I know the preschool is housed in a church though not affiliated with it, but it was a bit more than I could handle. A shame though because the space is really nice and they seemed to have nice toys. The crafts were totally lame though in my mind. Letting the kids pick what color paper they want to rip to fill a pre-formed shape does not count as artistic creativity in my mind. They didn't hold a candle to the Nature school where they were making pictures using leaves and seeds they had found outside and I heard the teacher correctly i.d. some unusual leaves for the kids as they were making projects. While she was softly singing clean up songs in spanish and getting ready for circle time. Like I said, too cool.

1 comment:

Hope said...

I think you found the one. Can't wait to hear what R thinks when she returns