Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So there is a certain someone in the southern hemishpere who has been wondering about our Halloween pictures. I personally think that perhaps he is just missing the candy that comes with Halloween but I will oblige with pictures. It should be said that this is really just a tease. We took very few pictures as we had Grandpa Chris along and he was taking pictures. Just as soon as he posts his photos from the weekend, you can rest assured I will steal them and post them here for all to see.

We had a great weekend with Nona Jen and Grandpa Chris filled with laughs, yummy food, gelato and candy. Otto had a wonderful time Trick-or-Treating. He totally got the concept this year. He pushed doorbells and knocked on doors. He had no hesitation saying trick-or-treat as soon as some one came to the door. I was surprised that he was very good and only took one piece of candy each time. He hesitated just long enough to choose the best piece, but never long enough that the offer might be withdrawn. He was quite pleased with his loot and has been enjoying his special treats. Mette charmed everyone with her fierce tiger ways from the stroller and seemed to enjoy being out in the night air.
Otto and I carved this pumpkin as our lure for Trick-or-Treaters. It seemed to work well as we gave away almost all our candy.

A sneak preview of the night in action.

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