Friday, December 4, 2009

Nip and Tuck

Mette had her consultation with the plastic surgeon today.

Yeah, that doesn't seem any better when I see it in print. Saying it in my head seemed so odd that I thought when I wrote it down it would look more normal, it doesn't.

Regardless, it went very well. He said the bump above her eyebrow in indeed a cyst and a very normal one at that. It is something you can only be born with so there is no chance of getting more as she grows older. It will also not go away on it's own, but will most likely get larger. Due to that he feels that the best thing to do is to remove it. She will have to be put under for the procedure but it will only take a half and hour so it is pretty minor. She will have a few stitches that have to be removed after a few days but other than that it is pretty easy peasy. He suggested we do it somewhat soon while she is still pretty young to allow it the most chance to heal without leaving a scar. With the holidays and much traveling coming up I was thinking we would push it off until March so she doesn't have her first birthday photos with a big scar on her forehead. Then he mentioned they would do it first thing in the morning because she would have to fast from midnight on the night before. Being as she now nurses every three hours at night and eats in the morning I think that waiting until March is essential as it gives us that much more time to get her sleeping better so we don't have to hold her off of multiple feedings which does not sound like something I want to do at all!! So March it is.

While Mette and I were cruising exam rooms and eating Cheerios Otto hung out with Rachel and Isaac. It has not been popular at all with Otto if I go anywhere without him. In fact it can be downright traumatic. Today I told Otto I was going to take Mette to the doctor and that he was going to go with Rachel to open gym (our normal friday morning jaunt). He didn't seem at all worried. I was sure that the meltdown was just delayed. Getting him in their car he showed no signs of problems, told me he loved me and waved good bye. It was like a dream. I took Mette in one direction and they headed off in the other. Rachel said he had a great time, didn't ask where I was other than once when he was satisfied with the "she will be home soon" answer. This is a major step in the right direction in my mind. When I got home he was happy to see me, but didn't make a huge deal out of it. Just as it should be.

All in all it was a great day. Except for the headache I am fighting. I brought it on myself by eating too many clementines. I'll never learn.

1 comment:

Megan said...

A clementine-induced headache, huh?!

Think of it this way, when Mette wants to get a nose job (or something), she will already have an in! No, that doesn't look any better when it is print either.