Friday, January 15, 2010


for those of you who have never seen our master bath, it is quite beautiful. It is an original 1916 bathroom. The walls are tiled, the floor is an amazing black and white tile design. The sink is an unbelievable ceramic pedestal. The tub is the most comfortable soaker I have ever been in. It is not however a room where any of the surfaces are soft in any way. This of course makes it the ideal place to practice walking. In the eyes of Mette at least. Today at open gym she took four solid steps towards me for a fruit bar. The rest of the day was spent screaming if I wasn't holding her hand (only one) so she could walk around the house. We thought she was tired and having a meltdown at dinner, turns out she just wanted to get down and practice walking some more. Then while I was drawing her bath she decided to let go and careen around the room like a tipsy sailor. I say tipsy because Otto was a drunken sailor, she seems to have a bit more grace than he did. Not so much though that it wasn't completely terrifying watching her walking knowing any direction she fell was going to be bad. She is currently sleeping. My guess is either she will sleep fairly well tonight (for her that is getting up 2 or three times) or she will be up all night working on her moves.

Here's hoping for the best.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Hanna is doing the 1 hand-holding walking now. Occasionally we get 2 or 3 steps but she seems very nervous about it. The other day Stephen held out his cell phone for her and she took 5 steps to him. I am excited for her to just get up one day and start walking!