Saturday, February 6, 2010

364 days


Somehow saying you have been here in our home for one year seems both too long and not nearly long enough. 12 months, 52 weeks, no amount of time in words describes your time in our family. We had everything all planned for your arrival. There was a c-section scheduled for Monday morning first thing. Grandmom was coming on sunday to food shop and settle in before hanging out with the dude on monday. You had other plans. We should have known then. I spent Friday on the couch with Otto, so sick with the stomach flu.
By 2 a.m. I was having regular contractions. We called Rachel who stumbled over to sleep on the couch in case Otto woke up while we headed to the hospital. Sometime in the wee morning hours Grandmom and Grandpa arrived from the cabin relieving Rachel of her duties. After a long 9 months of waiting, Saturday afternoon, 3:30 p.m. you were here.
With a full head of jet black hair, tiny little arms and legs and big brown eyes you joined the family. Just like that. Boom, we are now a family of four. Smitten with you from the very first moment we were eager to bring you home and "have you for keeps". You quickly seemed to find comfort in being a member of the family.

This past year has been full of so many amazing milestones. You have gone from a small little package of a baby, not even really a person yet, to someone we all love. You have charmed us with you wonderful giggles and adorable smiles. We are learning your sneaky ways and clever tricks. Lately when not walking all over the house you have yourself firmly planted on my hip. You still refuse to really eat any food, but are quite content to walk around the kitchen and talk to us while we eat. For the time being that is how meals are going to happen. Listening to you scream (and boy oh boy are you LOUD!!) for every meal has grown old and I have decided that when you are ready you will eat. Until then you are free to walk the room telling us about all you see and bringing me gifts along the way. You adore Otto and as long as you are not trying to take his toys out of his hands he seems to think you are wonderful as well. There really is nothing better in the world than watching the two of you laugh and play together. Now that you are walking you have started playing more games together. I am so happy you will have each other to play, cuddle, argue and fight with.

Trying to narrow down all of the pictures of you from the past year was not an easy task, but it was fun. You have changed so much. I am looking forward to spending many wonderful years with you.
You are a little pisser who knows exactly what she wants. You are incredibly stubborn. You are charming and adorable. You are exactly like your parents and really, we had this coming. You complete our family and we love you very much. Have a wonderful birthday Mette. Congrats on your first year.


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