Thursday, February 4, 2010


Greetings from the land of snot. Here in the burg we are swimming in the stuff. Both of the dear darling children have more than their fair share of the stuff and are sweet enough to want to share it with me. Last night when I sat down on the couch at the end of the day there was a distinct line around my pants legs at the height of Mette's nose of crusty material. Both of my sleeves were stuck together in parts where I choose to use them for emergency nose management with no tissue in sight. My shoulders are especially nice since both children seem to use them to rub away any foreign matter that is bothering them. It is a good look. Despite all of that they seemed in fairly good spirits and I had no reason to think this was anything beyond a normal cold. Then last night Mette's cough starting sounding pretty bad and by this morning she was VERY snotty and coughy. So I called the doctor, but to be honest I wasn't entirely sure we needed to go. But, we happen to have a great family doctor who doesn't mind seeing us all the time and we were planning on heading out of town this weekend, though the snow may change our plans so i went ahead and made the call. Since eric was at work I took Otto along with me as well. Once there the doctor checked out Mette and decided that her one ear looked a bit red, but the other was definitely infected. That being the case I asked her to check Otto's ears as well since while she was in the room I did blow his nose three times. She confirmed that his left ear was starting to be red and swollen and agreed that medicine for him was a good idea as well. I am not normally one to jump at putting the kids on antibiotics as they kind of scare me, but I don't mess around with ears. If I think they might, maybe get an ear infection, to the pink stuff we go. One nice thing about all of this is it justified my feelings about taking the kids to the doctor. Guess they did need to go. As of right now, both kids are upstairs with one (Mette) sleeping and the other hopefully on his way soon. The pink stuff usually kicks in pretty quickly and I am hoping that soon Mette feels well enough to sleep for some of the night since I am really starting to get pretty tired.

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