Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Parenting Styles

If you read the blogs and news stories that I gravitate towards, there is a lot of talk about parenting styles lately. There are helicopter parents, free range kids and a whole slew of middle ground. Each group of course has many of followers and countless others who think any way other than their way is an absurd method of parenting. I am not big on labels. I find they do more harm than good and never account for the majority of "followers" who take things with a large grain of salt. That being said, I am going to label my parenting style as lazy. And I really mean that in the best way. Not lazy in the "boy do I feel at ease and relaxed" at the end of the day because it takes two glasses of wine for me to really feel like that and rarely do I ever stay awake long enough to have one. No, rather lazy in terms of constantly engaging my children in play and activities. I am by no means cool and loose enough to be a free range parent despite the fact that a lot of my childhood fits the bill of being free range. I require too much structure for that. I remember feeling stressed at the lack of structure when I was a kid, that hasn't gotten better as I became an adult in charge of small people. However I also am not up in my kids face all the time. I believe in getting dirty,
you, over there, digging in dirt and sand while I sit here and watch you. No, no, I see how cool your backhoe is, you must be having a wonderful time playing with it.
I hear your squeals of frustration, but I am going to give you a chance to work it out before I offer to help.

I of course play "cars for sale" a lot with Otto and build towers and race tracks, but he also just plays by himself for a large part of the time we are at home. I cook, clean, putz around and am generally available for comment, but not directly involved in his play. Part of it is because I think it is important to know how to entertain yourself and partly because, oh my god and girl can only play big rigs for so long!! I just don't have the endurance to make up fun games all day long. We play, we have a blast, we read tons of books, but when I am working on something, it is time to occupy yourself.


Jenn said...

Up with lazy! Since there are at least two of us, we should capitalize the "L" and make it an official parenting style. Even though that would technically be making it a label. But what the heck.

phoebe said...

Let's call it a club!! Our first call of duty, sit down and relax!