Friday, April 23, 2010

Fancy new tricks

This is a new trick for me. I am updating from my iPod. It is a bit strange and I don't love it yet, but I am going to give it the old college try. Yesterday we had otto's occuptional therapy appointment. It went really well. The woman we met with was wonderful and really helpful. I can away from it feeling like so many questions and fears I have had were answered. She definatly thinks Otto has a sensory processing disorder. You will have to google, I can't figure how to hot link yet. When you read about it it really sounds like Otto. It is something we can help him over come and deal with easily at home which is really good. She also said that dealing with it will help his mood swings and tantrums which was music to my ears. She is a bit concerned that the train fear is becoming irrational and may be a phobia so we are going to take him to a child therapist to work on that.

I have to run now because the kids are waking up but I just wanted to let those of you who were asking know how it went. Good is the answer. I will post the rest of the details tonight. We are off to star in daddy's next commercial!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod

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