Monday, May 24, 2010

A new voice

I have toyed with the idea of a second blog for a long time. Heck i have three blogger sites in my account for that reason. I have finally done it. At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to advertise it here. I added it to the blog roll on the side over the weekend, but said nothing about it. I wasn't sure if I was ready for everyone to know about it. But I thought about and realized that was stupid. If I am ready to click publish and sent it out into the world, I am ready for anyone to read it, right? Right. So check the blog roll, it is linked there. I'll let you figure out which one it is. It is a place for me to be. Share what inspires me, makes me laugh, causes me to pause and think and hopefully a place where you can go to be inspired. Feel free to stop by and say hello, I love knowing you are out there. That goes for this blog too, comments make me smile and remind me why I enjoy the whole blogging world. Sometimes being married to a man who challenges the limits of media, online communication, copyright, electronic rights, who pushes boundaries and fights for change makes me chuckle at my own blogs and Facebook accounts. There is something to this whole word of sharing and a release I get from clicking post or comment that I am becoming addicted to.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


JAZ said...

Very cool.

phoebe said...

let's see if I can hang with it!