Monday, May 17, 2010

Team Ferrari

I have mentioned in the past how when ever Otto does something, Mette wants to do it too, well dress-up is no different. She is so specific that when Otto wears his Ferrari outfit, she has to wear one too. Luckily we have his from last year which really is way too big on her, but she doesn't seem to mind at all. She insists on a helmet too but luckily she settles for a bike helmut. The racing helmet is too big for her and we only have one.

To be honest, they really are starting to play together. Two days ago they kept themselves busy playing a version of baseball with foam bats and balls for close to half and hour. Mette is very good at taking the very toy Otto is playing with and when you try to get it back she clutches it tight and makes for the hills laughing all the way. So far Otto has not hit her in reaction to this, but it is going to happen any day now. This weekend I saw him with fist raised about to cream her on the head, I caught his attention and his response was "I wasn't going to hit her, I was checking out my back like this...". Cue fake back scratching. So, it is only a matter of time but to be honest, she has it coming. Spoken like the true oldest child I am.

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

mymanmax said...

They are so cute! My brother and I fought constantly, but we also always played together. We had these whole imaginary worlds. It's nice to have siblings so close in age :)