Thursday, June 24, 2010


This week has been a long one here in the burg. Since last Friday we have been swimming in a sea of three year old angst. Being three is hard, much harder than two in my opinion. This is based solely on the actions and mood of a certain three year old I know. There has been much loss of sleep and many headaches over stress of "what to do" but we are moving forward. This is surely a phases and with luck a short one. At some point the children will be grown and gone and I will look back on these days as the glory days. At least that is what I am telling myself a lot lately.
Despite his "angry young man" syndrome as it has been called with previous members of my family, Otto has been acquiring some new skills. With all the watching of soccer in the house due to the World Cup, he has seen great improvement in his game. He is getting much better at dribbling and his throw-in's are looking great. He also is quite the goalie. Along with soccer there have been many games of catch and the boy can actually catch the ball!
Mette who is showing great athletic ability already can hit the ball with the bat and as soon as a ball is loose she goes running after it yelling "I got it, I got it!". Speaking of language, the girl is on fire. She strings words together like it is nothing,
I got it
I want it
I need it
I eat
I need go night night
I go outside too
I too (meaning anything you are doing, she wants to do it too)

There is a definite Mettecentric slant to all of her sentences, but that is understandable. She also really likes the *no more monkeys jumping on the bed* song and shakes her hand at you and says "no mo monkey" a lot. Her vocabulary is amazing. Pretty much she can get her point across and she picks up words like it is nothing.

So while it has been a long week, they are still continuing to be entertaining. I however am way behind on sleep, cooking, cleaning and sewing. Right now though sleep is going to trump all, I all off to fall asleep reading.

Good night, more stories later.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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