Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Should I stay or should I go now?

I need your advice.

Both of my children have started off sleeping in the crook of my arm. Then moved to a co-sleeper and eventually to their own crib in the nursery are mere five steps from my side of the bed. Then, once Otto started sleeping through the night at 11 months we started thinking about moving him down the hall to his own room. By his first birthday he was hanging out in his new pad, a room I had always planned he would share with a future sibling. Well that future sibling now walks and talks and at one week shy of 16 months just started sleeping through the night. Wow, there it is, I wrote the words. I have not wanted to say anything for fear of jinxing it. You know how i feel about that. If I don't tell you about the sleeping I can't ask for help with my dilemma though so I have to tell you. I have been holding out moving Mette into Otto's room until she slept through the night. One, I am lazy and if I have to get up in the night I don't want to have to walk a single step further than I have to, and two, I REALLY don't want to wake Otto up in the night. That just doesn't seem fair. But now it is really seeming like we are on the straight path to two children who sleep, the problem is timing. Mette goes to sleep around 7:30ish. I nurse her and put her in bed. Usually she is still awake and talks herself to sleep pretty quickly. Otto goes up to brush teeth and read stories a little after 8. The story reading could easily be done downstairs or in our room and them we could transfer him to his bed to be tucked in. Would that work??? He likes to talk while we snuggle, but I always try to get him to be quiet anyway so he will start to go to sleep. We don't stay in there for long and he falls asleep on his own. Mette seems like a pretty sound sleeper so I don't think that taking Otto into bed would wake her up, but I am not totally sure. Then there is the whole issue of the morning. Right now Mette wakes up around 5:30ish and nurses, then she either goes back to sleep or rolls around for a while and gets up around 6 or 6:30. Otto has been waking up around 5:45 (ugh) but that is early for him. 6:30 is usually more his style. Part of me just says, do it, and they will figure it out. Otto is really psyched to have Mette in his room and I actually think they would enjoy having someone to talk to in the morning. Is that totally crazy?? Naptime should work out well except for the days when Mette refuses to nap. But if Otto really needs to sleep he could always sleep in our bed, chances are though he would be just as happy to go downstairs and read books or play quietly.

See the dilemma I am in? Then there is the honest truth that I am looking forward to them sharing a room. It means that we don't have to tiptoe around in our room at night since even though Mette is technically in the nursery, really she might as well be in our room. We can turn on lights and flush the toilet without thinking we are going to wake her up. And, bonus of all bonuses, we get a library!! The nursery really is meant to be a sitting room attached to the master bedroom and is complete with lots of built in bookshelves. I have to admit there is a big part of me that is very much looking forward to setting that room up. Since we have lived here it has been a nursery or in a holding pattern to return to one.

So what would you do??

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Liz said...

moving a baby from your room to theirs is a completely freeing feeling! i would say to adapt his bedtime rituals to something that would work better with sleeping mette. and then just go with it!

Hope said...

Since Mette is still in her crib, which is fairly portable, I think you could try it out and see how it goes. I don't have any experience with having children close enough in age to present the problem you're encountering but I always shared a room with Martha jane who was 2 years older - about the same age difference as Otto and Mette. I vaguely remember her being able to stay up a little later than me in the evening and there were plenty of times we talked a while before we went to sleep but it was nice and neither of us suffered from lack of sleep because of sharing a room together. I think they would both really enjoy it.

Megan said...

I say flush the toilet a few times. If Mette doesn't wake up, then you are good to go!