Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Today was Mette's big surgery. All went well thankfully and she is now asleep in her bed. We had two bats in the house last night (got to love old houses by the river) at 3:30 and I never got back to sleep so I will share the story tomorrow when I am less zombie like. I do however have some great shots from last night at the park and this morning,

We went to the park last night after dinner and Mette insisted on wearing sunglasses. Possibly the best look yet!

The girl can rock her fashion choices, that's for sure.

This is Mette all ready for surgery this morning. They gave her a "cocktail" to make her drowsy so she wouldn't care that she was being taking to the OR. It did the trick by making her pretty loopy. All she wanted to do was watch Backyardigans. Thank goodness for the iPad.

You can see the cyst over her left eye which they removed.

She has five stitches which will have to be removed next week. There is much less swelling and bruising than we expected which is nice. In fact she looks pretty good. The drugs that they use to put kids under has the lovely side effect of making them cranky until it is really out of their system a day later. Because of that i didn't take any pictures today post-op. I'll get some tomorrow when she isn't as mean :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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