Thursday, September 2, 2010

1.5 years

For starters, I would like to say that I have no idea how Mette is a year and a half since she was just a tiny baby a few weeks ago. On that note, I don't understand why she can't tie her shoes herself since she seems to run the rest of the household just fine.

On Monday when I took the walking germ factories to the doctor it was actually for Mette's 18 month appointment. It seemed a bit unfair to hide her accomplishments in a blog post about Otto learning how to take bong hits so I am adding them here. Not surprising at all, she is healthy and doing well, and tiny!! Kids are supposed to follow a curve on this chart thingy (based on white bottle fed babies in the Boston suburbs of the 1960's, so you know, super accurate and well researched). Mette seems to be making her own curve. At her nine month check up she weighed 20.6 lbs. This Monday, she weighed 21 lbs. Normally babies gain more than < 1 lbs. in a year+ time. But not all babies go from Mette the Hutt to Miss Skinny Minny as fast as she did. Once that girl was moving all the chunk was gone. She is also on the low side for height 45%ish but that is pretty understandable considering who her parents are. Our doctor who has four kids herself and is pretty hep to kids asked "what size clothes is she wearing, she is so cute". Well let's see, the top is a 6 month t-shirt from last year and those are 12 month pants that are a bit on the big side. Yeah, she is kind of a peanut. But a really cute peanut. What she is lacking in size she makes up for in vocabulary. By 18 months they like to see 4-10 words, Mette has 4-10 words to tell you she wants a snack, and now. She doesn't stop talking. Now when she is demanding down from the table and you ask her how to ask nicely, thinking all you will get is "please" she comes back with "I want to get down......PEAS!". That's the other thing, she totally understands pronouns and uses the correctly. Otto, who also talked very early had a hard time with that while she totally gets it. Mine, yours, I, you, we, she gets it and uses them to explain just how she wants things done. Should you not understand her, or not be able to execute her desires that very second, watch out! The temper on this small one is fierce. She throws a fit and holds a grudge like nothing I have ever experienced before. In many ways it is really funny, and scary a the same time. She will grow out of that, right????

All in all we had a great visit, she passed with flying colors and managed to avoid getting shots. Since they both had colds (which seem to be almost gone, thank goodness) we decided to wait with the shots. Next week when they are both feeling better we will go back for the good stuff.

oh, and the stats, Mette is 31 inches tall and weighs 21 pounds. Her head is tiny, her vocabulary, large. At eighteen months I can now say she sleeps through the night and is weaned, both a miracle as far as I am concerned!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


JAZ said...

sounds like another younger sister to a great older brother I know... younger sisters unite! the good news? she'll (mostly)grow out of these traits... in about 30 years.

Kristin, Max's Mom said...

Wow, Max outweighs Mette! (Although he's only gained a pound since 6 months, so maybe he's slowing down like she did.) Yay for weaning and sleeping :)