Monday, September 20, 2010

Going so well

School, that is.

Otto seems to be loving his school, and so am I. Each day he is excited to go and is off before I can say good bye when we get there. When I go to pick him up he is engaged in fun and hesitant to leave. I am really hoping the enthusiasm continues. So far, so good.

I am also loving his school. Today I received this email from his teacher:

Hi Friends,

This week we will be talking about the waxing moon as it approaches its full harvest moon phase on Thursday night. We will read some books and hear some stories where the moon plays a central role. See if you can walk outside with your child and notice the moon this week. We will also be talking about the first day of autumn which occurs Wednesday. Finally we will be making grape juice. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

It doesn't get much better than that in my eyes. You should know, the grapes they will use are grown at the school so the kids will help in the harvest as well.

I have some great pictures, I got my camera back!!!, to share but that requires getting the iPad out of eric's hands and he is currently reigning champion on Shrek Cart so it may not happen tonight.

Otto had his first night of soccer school tonight. It went pretty well. There was an older kid who was literally beating Otto up and the teachers weren't doing anything about it. Eric stepped in and stopped it but it seems to have bothered Otto. As you can well imagine. He has a week before the next class so we will see how he is feeling then. I think overall it is and will be something he likes, he just is working out how to process the whole thing. It is really hard seeing your kid in a situation like that. I think both eric and I are still dealing with what to think about it as well.

Oh, one other thing, today is day three in a row of no naps from Otto. He seems totally fine. It doesn't seem to make him sleep in any later, he is still up and raring to go at 6:12 so I have adjusted the bedtime. They normally were going upstairs for bed at 8 or a little after, tonight lights were out at 7:30. There were no complaints and it seems pretty quiet up there. Often Mette fights an earlier bedtime but she has been really tired lately so it may just work out fine. Today he did a very good job of playing quietly downstairs while I cleaned. He went in and outside all by himself engrossed in his own world of cars and games. On days where he goes to school I think I will encourage him to lay down in bed for half and hour, but if he doesn't fall asleep I will let him come downstairs. I knew this day would come eventually and I have to say, it is much less of a big deal than I thought it would be. If he can play quietly and let me get done what I want to get done while Mette naps, and if it means they go to bed earlier, I am fine with that.

Speaking of going to bed, I am on the last of the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo books and I have a habit of staying up WAY too late reading them so I am going to go get a head start on getting to sleep.

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