Sunday, October 17, 2010

A glimpse into my world

Those of you who know me well will no that I am not a "scent" person. My soaps, laundry detergent and cleaners are all fragrance free. Perfume, cologne and really anything too smelly give me a migraine and make me feel queasy. I have a very good sense of smell, perhaps too good, and for the most part fake smells really aren't my thing. Give me a bunch of fresh lilacs or real lavender and I will swoon, but anything labeled as such normally is not my cup of tea. That is why what happened on Friday was so surprising.

I was walking down the street after just buying stamps at the post office when a young, fairly attractive man passed me. As he went by I caught a whiff of his cologne. Normally young men in the town are wearing so much cologne I want to stop them and tell them that really, no girl is going to like that, but some how I stop myself. This was different, he actually smelled good. While I was thinking how funny it was that I liked the way he smelled I noticed he was carrying an odd box and long poles.

He was a window washer. The smell I was loving was ammonia, or Windex. Good stuff no doubt, but a little sad that the smell of clean windows is more appealing to me than Old Spice.

The day before the window washer eppisode I finally broke down and turned on the heat in the house. As it is still October I am refusing to set the thermostat above 64, but still, it is on. I am all for just wearing sweaters and moving around, but my Florida native husband isn't. When he got home from work on Thursday and noticed the heat on his first comment was, "are you trying to seduce me?".

I may need to get out more :)

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