Sunday, November 21, 2010


Today I was wearing:
smart wool socks
felted wool slippers
yoga pants
a tank top
a t-shirt
and a very warm bathrobe

I was warm enough, but I might have even thrown another shirt into the mix.
Mette was wearing:

nothing else. Granted she was spending her time alternating between running in circles, literally, while chanting "i running circles, i running circles" in case you were wondering what she was doing, and sitting on the radiant heat floor in the kitchen. It should be said that the only reason she was wearing undies is because I tricked her into putting them back on while she was distracted with a tea cup. She was so warm her cheeks were flush. It seems a bit silly to harp on Otto for wanting wear a soccer jersey with jammy pants (fleece ones no less) without socks or slippers when his sister won't even wear clothes. The problem with Mette is unlike her older brother, she can actually take most of her clothes off without you helping. This makes the task of keeping her dressed that much more difficult.

We have been having a really good weekend here. Yesterday Mette and I did some downtown holiday window shopping while eric and Otto dug up dinosaur bones at home. More on that with pictures later. In the afternoon my mom came down and we went grocery shopping for the upcoming week of feasting together. I am not one to go on and on about savings, but I have to share, we saved $143.54 at the grocery store yesterday. Eric's first question if you mention saving money, is "how much did you spend?". We spent $314 after the savings which I think is pretty impressive. We had two shopping carts full of food. In addition to the food for the feasts (yes, plural, we start on wednesday and don't stop until the weekend with full blown menus and themes for each day) I also stocked up on staples.

Today the kids and I made some snowflake crafty things for great grandparents doors and baked chocolate chip cookies. Otto and eric also did a whole lot of transporting leaves from our yard to the curb out front so the giant sucking sound can take them all to Mexico, or I mean the mulch pile in town.

I have some pictures to get up soon, but I think there will be minimal posting next week with all the activities going on. I hope everyone has a great holiday week. We all have so much to be thankful for.

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