Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa's elves

I am really getting excited for the kids and Christmas. Tonight Eric and I wrapped all the presents and even gathered everything for the stockings. We were both commenting on how much fun it is going to be seeing them on Christmas morning.

This is the first year I ever got around to wrapping presents earlier than the night before they were to be given and i have say, it feels really good to have that done. That being said there is still a ton to do around here tomorrow. In order to finish all of the holiday crafting I was doing I gave up cleaning the house well over a week ago and it shows. There are dust kutzels blowing like tumbles weeds down all the hallways and everything could use a good scrubbing. Guess what we will be doing tomorrow.

There are also the last minute errands to run and a roast to be picked up. We also can't forget to make cookies!! We managed to eat all of the cut out cookies we made earlier and we need to make more if there are going to be any to leave for Santa. Eric is actually staying home from work tomorrow and the plan is to divide and conquer.

Even with all the cleaning and cooking to do, I am still enjoying the very festive atmosphere this year. Tonight after dinner we got in the car, stopped at dunkin donuts for a treat and drove around and looked at Christmas lights. It was a blast.

I hope you are a enjoying the holiday lead up, I be back with loads of pictures and tales of joy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Pheobs..just got through wrapping almost the last of the family presents with day that will be you and Mette. xoxo KT