Monday, January 31, 2011


do you miss me??

maybe, maybe not. But I promise I will be back with more fun stuff soon. Things have been crazy here, in a good way. I will say, that while I do really love blogging, life always does and will come first. Lately, life has been front and center. I have been cleaning out closets and freecylin' and donating like crazy. If it isn't nailed down and I haven't used it in the past two days, gone. I am taking the quote "have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful", (William Morris) to heart. Unfortunately, useful must include eight million small toys and clothes, but trust me I have purged my fair share of them as well. Then, last week we installed (with the help of contractors) a new ceiling in our back bathroom and I painted it, again. It looks awesome, but now needs new curtains. Tack that on the list of stuff to make. I was doing good at digging out and getting somewhere I felt good about until I decided to take apart my sewing room, drag furniture up from the basement and down from the third floor (have I ever mentioned how much having a renewable pool of undergrads who will work for $20 and homemade cookies rocks!!!) and totally rearrange it. I now have a cutting table AND a sewing table, and new fabric storage. Yeah, it rocks. I will say that in the past few days things like the floors and the bits of the kitchen eric fails to notice to clean have suffered. But I am still on top of laundry and the rest I promise to catch up on soon. Then, let the sewing projects commence!!!!

More on the crazy children soon!

1 comment:

belinda said...

I missed you. As I get used to the smaller place and less stuff I keep thinking of the stuff I need to purge at home.

I'm thinking that a Toy library might work in Lewisburg.