Monday, March 21, 2011

Questions for cousin John

Just before eric and I headed down south for our little get away a special package came in the mail for the kids. As you know, STAR WARS rules the waves here these days. Mette has taken to calling herself Luke at all times. When the cashier at the grocery store who thinks she is cute asks her what her name is, the reply is "my name is Luke". It gets some strange looks but I don't bother explaining. She is often dressed head to toe in pink by her own choosing, so either they think she is a cross dresser, or they think she is coming up with strange names for herself. Either way, they can work on that. I have other things to do.

They still have not seen any of the movies. They get all of their knowledge, and let me tell you, it is a LOT, from books and asking eric and I a million plot questions daily. Otto knows every character, what they do etc... it is amazing. What I most like though is the way even though he is so interested in the plot, how his role playing of the stories follows his own narrative paths. Luke and Darth Maul have lunch together etc... He knows they can't exist at the same time, he will even tell you who is from the prequels, but that doesn't stop his imagination.

This past weekend we did have a bit of a break through. Eric cut a scene together where you see Anakin in the pod race. Otto and Mette have both watched it and LOVE it!! I keep telling Otto we should get daddy to make a scene with the Ewoks since I think he would really like that too. Despite the fact that he is all boy in the sense the every stick, lego, spoon etc.. is a "blaster" aka gun, he doesn't actually want to see any fighting. Something I am very thankful for.

So back to the package. My cousin John recently moved to a new house and in getting ready for the move found a bunch of his old STAR WARS toys. Like Uncle Racer, he thought they might be well loved in the hands of Otto and Mette and kindly send them our way. My Aunt MaryAnn said we could give them all at once, or in pieces. I thought about spreading out the joy, but then the big box arrived and it looked like too much fun to pass up.

So, I let them open it themselves.
It was so much fun to watch then unwrap each well cared for and loved toy.

John, here is where I have a few questions for you. There is no doubt in my mind that you loved these toys very much. So much you may have even jumped for joy when you saw them the first time.
Perhaps you even hugged the battle droid and told it how much you loved it. Which by the way is what Otto did when he saw it.
But did you immediately feel that the light sabers were the right size to battle with Jenny (John's younger sister) with? Otto did. He was kind enough to arm her first.
They also make great drumsticks, fyi.
But I am really wondering, did it ever cross your mind to ride the Tauntaun? Because Otto saddled that bad boy up immediately upon seeing it.
Then, of course, Mette had to have a turn.
So, needless to day, the gift has been a huge hit. A welcome addition to our already full family. It seems the Tauntaun in partial to jelly toast with his tea, in case you were wondering.

1 comment:

JAZ said...

Mette's hair is so cute, did you just cut it? Also - everything else is super cute too, but that goes without saying. : )