Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Blood Work

So at 9 months our family doctor recommends that babies have blood work done to test for lead and anemia. Both things that I think sound important so we got the paper work and planned a day to take Otto to have blood drawn at the hospital. In between the time when we knew we would have to do this, and when eric had some free time to go with us (I was not about to do this alone!) I talked to a friend who had just taken his 9 month old son in for the same thing. Now they went to the other area hospital but he told a horrible story about how the nurse could not find a vein and was jabbing all around while the baby screamed. In the end they left without having any blood drawn and have to go back a second time. Needless to say that did not make me feel any better about taking Otto in for this. Our doctor recommended that we take Otto in the mid-morning because that is when the best nurses are there. Well yesterday we did just that. All monday evening I was worrying about how this would all work. On tuesday when Otto woke up from his morning nap I called eric and we picked him up at work, then headed to the hospital. I was really nervous but eric kept saying how wonderful it would be. Right before we were called an adorable little girl probably about 18 mo. went in and you could hear her screaming in the waiting room, again, not making me feel better. When we finally took Otto back the nurse seemed really nice and it was looking better. Eric decided to hold Otto and I sat in front of him talking to him. The nurse showed eric just how to hold him so he could move his arms and quick as lightning she had the needle in and it was almost over. Otto cried, but not hysterically, and once the band-aid was on and I could hold him the crying stopped pretty much right away. So for what was days of worry on my part, there turned out to be very little drama for Otto. I am really glad it all worked out well. Now we just wait to hear about the test results, but I am not really worried about those.
that was this weeks drama here...

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