Thursday, January 17, 2008


Ok, if my mom was a bit cooler with video and the computer or if my dad didn't just start a new semester of crazy busy work I would have some video footage to share with you, but as is you will just have to take my word for it. I am WALKING! Not just a step here and there like I have been, but whole cross room treks. Once I get free of all objects I like to take a minute to reflect on where I am with some wrist curls. That finished I am off and running. It has been said that I resemble Frankenstein but it doesn't stop me. Crawling is still a faster and more tried and true method of transport for now, but I don't think that will last long. As you well know, I am now the SHIT and SO proud of myself.
Perhaps this weekend mom can steal dad away from work long enough to post the video we have of my first solo cross dining room trek.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are doing a great job with this! I love it. What a great little guy Otto is! I check this as soon as I arrive in Houston every week. MaryAnn

All babies start out walking like Frankenstein (or, if you saw the third star wars movie, like Darth Vador after he had his legs burnt off by the lava (the notorious Frankenvador scene).