Friday, January 25, 2008

long time no post

so things have been a bit crazy here. Otto is really trying to walk all over that place which really keeps me on my toes. But I like it, so that's ok. As you all know Otto is not a good sleeper, everyone said when he started to crawl he would sleep better, actually those lines started at 6 wks, then 3 months, then solid food, the list goes on, he has managed to pass them all with surprising little sleep. Anyway, the latest was, once he is walking he will sleep. I thought we might be on to something because as of last week he was sleeping much better at night, and then this week happened. Now he is trying to give up napping. I am not ready for this at all. And to be honest, neither is he. When he doesn't nap he is a basket case. So this week he has been pretty crabby, intermixed with moments of supreme cuteness. Eric has been either crazy busy at work, or in Florida for a funeral, (where he is now infact) neither of which are much fun. So it has been quite a tiring and crabby week for the two of us. He is finishing up the week with a case of the old snot nose. I think he has some major tooth trying to bust through because he is drooling up a storm and chewing on anything he can get his mouth on. Just a hunch on my part. My mom is stopping in today on her way home from visiting my grandmother and I can not decide if I want to just eat lunch and lounge around watching Otto with her, or if I should tackle the 100 things I need to clean or do around the house

wait she here I am off...

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