Sunday, March 29, 2009

Quote of the Day

Every day when eric and I are going to bed we recount all of the hilarious things Otto has said over the day. We really need to start writing them down and keeping a list. I am going to start a hopefully weekly post of his best quotes from that week. Some recent favorites include:

at the dinner table out of the blue, "wait a minute, wait a minute, I have an idea!"
there was no idea just a lot of excitement

in response to me trying to get him to come in for lunch, "no, no, no, mommy go inside and get lunch ready and otto stay outside with dump truck and play"

and here is why i need to start writing them down, I know there are more really good ones and I can't think of them now.

We had a fun day trip to the cabin today in the dreary weather and are looking forward to getting outside and playing in some dirt. Hopefully this week will have some moments of outside time!

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