Saturday, August 29, 2009

Where were we?

So I was all full of motivation to post more often, and I was, and then this week hit. I don't know what happened this week. We had some playdates lined up, but nothing too major. The kids have been in good spirits. It just somehow never really got into a good groove. Maybe it was classes starting again and a end of summer, end of sabbatical cloud hanging over the house. I not once but twice went to the store this week without taking my wallet. So helpful. The first time I realized before I made it out of the car, though I was in the store parking lot. I was able to swing home, get said wallet and return with relative grace. The second time I was at Target with both kids and had the cart full having dutifully found everything on my list before I realized I had not put my wallet back in the diaper bag. They were both good sports about it but I was fairly peeved with myself. Ugh. On top of my forgetfulness both eric and I got the ever dependable classes are starting again cold. Luckily the kids don't seem to have been bothered by it, but it is slaying both of us. I'll admit Otto has watched more PBS the last few days than he usually does since it requires no work on my part. Taking care of two kids when you don't feel well is not my idea of the best way to spend a day. Despite not having the most productive week, I did manage to get some good pictures which I will now share with you.

This was what I found when we got back to the house after a walk early in the week. I kept looking at Mette from the window in the top of the stroller and since she was sitting up and holding onto her toy, I figured she was still awake. Not so.

Having some rainy day adventures in the backyard.

A big day, Mette's first day wearing tights!!! I am pretty psyched.

And this is Mette when she realized I am taking her picture. One flash and she is all smiles!

Otto taking inspiration from the rainy day and watering the dirt. Because what the dirt needs on a rainy day is some water.

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