Monday, April 26, 2010

It's all starting to make sense

I am sure it goes without saying that I have spent the majority of my brain power over the past few days wrestling with this whole Sensory Processing Disorder thing. Like any concerned citizen I spent most of last night awake thinking through everything. Mette must be concerned as well since she was up at 11, 1:30, 3:30 and 6. Ugh. I will say though that so much of Otto's quirks are starting to make sense to me. All of the following things can easily be connected to SPD:

having to be swung, rocked or bounced as a baby to get him to stop crying

the entire year from months to almost 2 when getting him out of the bath and into jammies was a full on meltdown EVERY NIGHT

why we only wash his hair when it is absolutely necessary (every few months sometimes) because doing so causes him so much distress

why if another kid at playgroup has a meltdown I can be certain that Otto will too soon, often for what seemed like no reason at all. Now I understand it is a heighten sense of empathy on his part that leaves him with too many emotions he can't deal with

the extreme screaming and crying that results from wiping his hands and face after eating. This is getting better but we still have our days.

the fact that no matter how warm he gets outside playing, if he is wearing a jacket and I offer to take it off it is the end of the world.

All of these are situations that right now lead to complete meltdowns on his part but hopefully with the help of therapy and some new approaches on our part we may be able to avoid in the future. A lot have to do with touch. He is clearly extremely sensitive to touch, even things like taking off a jacket are sometimes more than he can handle. It changes how you look at everything when you know that he isn't being stubborn (though I don't rule that out entirely, he is three) but more often he is stressed and scared.

I am the kind of person who enjoys challenges and tries to rise to the occasion. I have up until now thought parenting offered some really big challenges but this is a whole new book. I really hope that soon we can help him to feel better and less stressed.

Ironically some of the things that he loves to do so much are just the kinds of things he needs to do for therapy. SPD therapy is more like play most of the time. Doing chores that are physically challenging like carrying heavy things or pulling heavy wagons is really good. Even going to far as to wear a weighted vest sometimes. His STIG helmut (eric's old racing helmut) fits the bill for that perfectly. Driving his "motorcycle" around is really good for him. Playing with playdoh is also high on the list, as is playing in the sand or dirt. Incorporating these things into our daily routine won't be hard at all.


Max's Mom said...

Hi Phoebe! I've been following your posts about Otto and I thought you might like checking out a blog written by the mom of twin boys with SPD. They are around Otto's age and sound like they have a lot of similar issues:

Good luck with everything! It sounds like you're doing a fabulous job and that having a name for some of Otto's issues is going to be a big help. This parenthood thing is tough! :oP

phoebe said...

thanks so much Kristin! That is a great blog and a wonderful way to get more info, the name of the game! How is the darling little Max??

Max's Mom said...

Max is getting huge! My back will never be the same :P. He's also getting to be lots of fun--moving out of the "slug stage" into being a real little person.